The final question presented in the iPrint Duplication script is either:
This will be the address which is bound to the new Print Manager. See KB 7008242 for an explanation of how to answer this question and understand the implications of the answer.
Example: iPrint.myCompany.com:
This address appears to be a transferable DNS name.
Would you like to keep the same host address for the new Print Manager?
See KB 7008242 for an explanation of how to answer this question and understand the implications of the answer.
This TID explains how to answer the question posed by the script, explains the implications of the answer, and explains how to proceed after the script has completed its operations.
PrinterAgentName on ipp://
If the ShortInstallName feature is implemented from the /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs/iprint.ini, the name will look like this:
Ideally, the source server's Print Manager was bound to a CNAME record. This means the PSMHostAddress name resolves to the address of the source server, but the name is not the server's DNS name. Instead, it is a name created specifically for that print manager.
- Test the results of the duplication script (see the Additional Information section of this TID)
- If the tests pass, modify DNS so the transferable name resolves to the new server's IP address.
End users will print to the new server without any changes to the iPrint printers installed to workstations.
Scenario 1b: Migrate/Move iPrint, auto-reinstall iPrint printers to workstations using DNS configuration
- Stop the execution of the iPrint Duplication script by doing a ctrl + c
- Choose a DNS name to be tied to the source Print Manager. Use this name for the next step.
- Create an alias record (also known as a CNAME record) with that chosen name and configure it to resolve to the source server's IP address.
- Ensure workstations can ping that new name. Ensure that address resolves to the source server's IP address.
- Update the source server's /etc/hosts file to reflect the new DNS entry.
- Optional step if you don't want users to be prompted to click OK when iPrint printers are re-installed.
- Change the InformUserOfUpdate value from 1 to 0. (bottom option within /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs/iprint.ini )
- Restart Apache (rcapache2 restart )
- Change the InformUserOfUpdate value from 1 to 0. (bottom option within /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs/iprint.ini )
- Modify the address following the PSMHostAddress to show the new DNS name.
- /etc/opt/novell/iprint/conf/ipsmd.conf
- Restart the Print Manager (rcnovell-ipsmd restart )
- This step will cause all of the iPrint printers installed to workstations to be auto removed and auto re-installed.
- Go to iManager -> iPrint -> Manage Print Manager -> click the iPrint Certificate Manager link.
- Check the box for "Allow the hostname <chosenTransferrableName.company.com> to be used with this certificate." and click OK
- Optional step if you don't want users to be prompted to click OK to an iPrint printer re-install.
- On the source iPrint server, change the InformUserOfUpdate value from 1 to 0. (bottom option within /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs/iprint.ini )
- Restart Apache (rcapache2 restart )
- iPrint -> Manage Print Manager (choose the source Print Manager) -> Printer Agent Redirection
- For each printer agent, browse to the equivalent iPrint printer on the target server.
- The "equivalent printer" will be in the new context chosen during the execution of the iPrint Duplication script.
- Configure as many printers you want to redirect. You can configure all, or some.
- Wait.
- As workstations attempt to print or when the Microsoft Print Spooler attempts to get status of the installed iPrint printer, the iPrint printers installed to the workstation will be auto removed and auto re-installed with the new address configuration.
Additional Information
- Are the printers listed on the /ipp page, and do they install to test workstations?
- Do the printers show a status of IDLE within the PsmStatus page?
- https://<IPorDNSofTargetServer>/psmstatus
- Note 1: When prompted to login, enter an eDirectory admin name and enter only the CN. For example, admin. Not admin.company.
- Note 2: Some printers will show as Error Printing, but that may be normal (printer turned off, out of paper, toner, etc)
- https://<IPorDNSofTargetServer>/psmstatus
- Can the Linux iPrint objects be managed via iManager?