Novell iManager 2.5
How to uninstall and reinstall iManager 2.5 on OES Linux using yast2.
1) In yast2 go to Software -> Install and Remove Software.
2) Change the filter drop down to "Selections".
3) Find "Novell iManager" in the list on the left side of the screen. Right click on the blue check and select delete (this will change the blue check to a trash can). You will get a dependency conflict message for iPrint and NetStorage. Select "ignore conflicts and risk system consistencies" and "OK-Try Again". Don't be concerned by this message if you are using iPrint or NetStorage, they will continue to function if you continue with uninstall.
4) Next select "Accept" in the bottom left of the screen. You will be prompted with two more warnings, select "ignore conflicts and risk system consistencies" and "OK-Try Again".
5) Delete the /var/opt/Novell/iManager directory from the server.
Reinstall iManager by following the listed steps:
1) In yast2 go to Software -> Install and Remove Software.
2) Change the filter to "Selections".
3) Locate "Novell iManager" in the left side of the screen. It should have a black check in the box at this point. If not, right click and select install (this will change it to a black check).
4) Select "Accept" in the bottom left of the screen. It will prompt you for the OES CD2 install CD. Put the cd in and continue with the install. Make sure you are using the correct cd for the install (if the os is on Support Pack 1, use the sp1 overlay cd). If you do not install with an overlay cd you will need to reconfigure iManager after the install.
5) Restart Apache and Tomcat using the following commands:
/etc/init.d/apache restart