Revert hyperlink is not working as expected

  • 7004656
  • 13-Oct-2009
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management - ZLM7.2


Reverting the settings on a device object in the ZENworks Control Center does not take the value of any future changes to the global settings.


To obtain access to a hot patch with the fix for this problem, follow the instructions in KB 3469853 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management" which can be found at

Additional Information


1) Make a change to a global setting - ZCC -> Configuration -> ZMD-Settings -> Add -> refresh-interval, (set it to 555).
2) On the client "rug ref" then "rug get refresh-interval" and ensure it is set to 555.
3) Go to the client's object in ZCC and override this setting:
ZCC -> Devices -> Servers -> Server1 -> Settings -> ZMD Settings -> Override Settings -> Add -> refresh-interval, (set it to 777).
4) On the client "rug ref" then "rug get refresh-interval" and ensure it is now set to 777.
5) On the device object in the ZCC revert this setting:
ZCC -> Devices -> Servers -> Server1 -> Settings -> ZMD Settings -> Revert to settings from (System).
6) On the client "rug ref" then "rug get refresh-interval" and ensure it now says 555 again (this is expected as it is still being inherited).
7) Make a change to a global setting again - ZCC -> Configuration -> ZMD-Settings -> Add -> refresh-interval, (set to 999).
8) On the client "rug ref" then "rug get refresh-interval".

The new global setting is not in effect on the device. From this point any future changes to the global settings will not be in effect on this particular device.