Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 2 - 10.2 Bundles
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 2 - 10.2 Zman
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 2 - 10.2 Zman
When importing a bundle using the "zman bc" command, content is stored in directory within /var/opt/novell/zenworks/content-repo/tmp on Linux, and this directory and its files, are not deleted when the import is finished.
This is fixed in version 10.2.2 - see KB 7004803 "ZENworks 10
Configuration Management 10.2.2 - update information and list of fixes"
which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support
Additional Information
On Windows, the directory is created in %ZENWORKS_HOME%\work\content-repo\tmp but is deleted once the import is complete.