Login is slow when policies are in effect

  • 7002413
  • 21-Jan-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 3 - 10.3
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 2 - 10.2
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 1 - 10.1


If policies are associated to users or workstations, there is a slow login time on the workstations.


NOTE: Please read Additional Information section before applying this change.
This is fixed in version 10.1.3 - see KB 7002526 "ZENworks 10 Configuration Management 10.1.3" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support  After this version, you can now set the following registry key.
Prior to ZCM 10.3 use the following registry key
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\ZENworks]"ZENLoginUserRefreshAsync"="TRUE".  To turn the setting off, you can set "ZENLoginUserRefreshAsync"="FALSE".  
With ZCM 10.3 and later, use this registry key.
"ZENLoginUserRefreshAsync"="TRUE".  To turn the setting off, you can set "ZENLoginUserRefreshAsync"="FALSE".  

The ZENLoginUserRefreshAsync registry value only affects the device refresh during the user login.

Additional Information

The fix referenced in the resolution section above is contained in an updated RemotingService.dll in ZCM 10.1.3  that has the ability to read the ZENLoginUserRefreshAsync registry string for the asynchronous "TRUE" value or the synchronous "FALSE" value.
Note:  This registry setting affects only the device assigned policies.
The slowness caused by the policies is that when the device logs in, it refreshes before it applies the policies.  This registry setting for asynchronous device refresh will allow the device to apply policies at the same time the refresh is happening.  This can cause older policies to be applied right after a change is made to the policy, and before the workstations refresh and get those changes.
Novell strongly recommends you test this setting first to see what effect it will have in your environment.  For example, policies such as DLU (Dynamic Local User) that need to be available immediately after assigned or changed should not use this setting.
When using the asynchronous device refresh flag, changes to the device assigned policy might not be picked up on the first login after the device assigned policy was changed. However, the change will be picked up on the following login, because in the meantime time, the device refresh has finished and picked up the change.
Also, the device might have already picked up the policy change during a timed refresh throughout the day or a forced refresh can be used to push the change to the devices before the user logs in the next time.
For new agent installs it is good practice to login first to refresh before using DLU when this registry setting is set.

See the Novell Documentation for further details.