Cannot delete ZCM Server object from ZCC

  • 7001869
  • 13-Nov-2008
  • 01-Jul-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 1 - 10.1 ZENworks Control Center - ZCC


Trying to remove a ZCM Server object.
ZCM was not uninstalled from the server, it was just turned off.  A new server using the same IP address, but a different name was put in its place.
Click on  the server in /Devices/Servers/Deleted Servers and choosing the Delete action resulted in an error
Error: This object cannot be deleted: server_name.  Probable cause: The object is a ZENworks Server.  To remove a ZENworks Server, please uninstall ZENworks from that server.


This is fixed in version 10.1.3 - see KB 7002526 "ZENworks 10 Configuration Management 10.1.3 - patch information and list of fixes" which can be found at

Note: Your server will then be forever deleted. This cannot be undone, so please make sure the GUID is correct

Complete the following steps:
  1. Using zman issue the following command:
    • zman zsd<server-name>
    • Example: zman zsd "/Devices/Servers/DeletedServersFolder/zendesk1"  This will remove roles and retire the server.
  2. Open the ZCC console
  3. Click on the 'Devices' tab
  4. Click on the 'Servers' folder
  5. Click on the 'DeletedServersFolder'
  6. Click on the device link you wish to delete
  7. Copy the GUID for the device you wish to delete.
    • example. 21c667e32e342deac1bf6dd7060ad1a
  8. Verify that this GUID is the GUID of the device you want to delete as these actions cannot be undone.
  9. select the method below from the list:
    • boolean delete(java.lang.String arg0)throws com.novell.zenworks.datamodel.exceptions.RemoteDataModelException, java.rmi.RemoteException;
    • Insert the GUID from step 7 into the textbox
    • Click 'Invoke'
  10. select the method below from the list of hyperlinks:
    • boolean delete(java.lang.String arg0)throws com.novell.zenworks.datamodel.exceptions.RemoteDataModelException,java.rmi.RemoteException;
    • Insert the GUID from step 7 into the textbox
    • Click 'Invoke'

Note: Your server will then be forever deleted. This cannot be undone, so please make sure the GUID is correct.