D101 error occurs after accepting an appointment

  • 7001729
  • 24-Oct-2008
  • 21-Jan-2013


Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7


D101 error occurs after accepting an appointment.
Error: D101.
Appointment don't move to the calendar.


Fix the users Database:
1. Archive users mail
2. Drop user from the guardian according to solution (https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7006236)
3. Test new user database to see if there are any problems.
4. If there are no problem unarchive mail.

NOTE - Skipping steps 1 and 4 will get the user back into GroupWise, but they won't have any mail.

Additional Information

The user's database is corrupt.
Formerly known as TID# 10020823