Tips on Preparing for 10.1 upgrade

  • 7001146
  • 12-Aug-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with SP1 (10.1)


The following tips may be helpful prior to upgrading to 10.1.



  1. Servers and managed agent devices must be 10.0.3 or greater on existing system.
    (Optional): To see what machines have not updated to 10.0.3 or greater although the assignment was made, run the following SQL query on the database:
    1. Sybase -
      select d.DNS, d.Site, i.UpdateStatus from zDevice d join zSystemUpdateDeviceInfo i on d.uid = i.DeviceUID
      where i.UpdateStatus != 'FINISHED';
    2. MS SQL - coming soon.
    3. Also see How to manually update Agents for more information.
    4. ***NOTE -- It is recommended that all of the agents need to be updated to the 10.0.3 or before moving to 10.1. If this is not done, then those workstations that are found using the above mentioned SQL query will not update to 10.1.
    5. See dbisql to run db query for internal Sybase db.
  2. All primary servers must have their services shut down in the zone.
  3. Database must be up and running.
  4. Database MUST be backed up (to guarantee any sort of recovery).
  5. Do the upgrade at a time when it will be okay for agents not to contact ANY server.
  6. Ensure that there is sufficient disk space available on the primary server.
  7. If using an external SQL database, ensure that there is sufficient space on it.
  8. If you are mounting the System Update media from .iso on linux, do not set the media mount point to a directory underneath /root.  All users need read and execute rights to the files on the system update mount point as it launches external processes as non-root users and they must be able to read files from the media.  This cannot happen if it is mounted in /root.
    For example:
    mount -o loop mycd.iso /mnt/zcm
How to backup an MS-SQL database:
  1. Open up Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio utility
  2. Right click on the database to back up, under Databases directory
  3. Select Tasks > Back Up...
  4. Choose back up options, making sure there is enough disk space.
How to backup a Sybase database: