Guidelines for Clearing Stuck Obituaries

  • 7000504
  • 28-May-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Directory Services
Novell eDirectory


Guidelines for Clearing Stuck Obituaries
Error - 637 "Previous Move in Progress" performing partition operations like add replica, remove server from the ring and move master replica to a different server using ConsoleOne
Error - 637 installing a new server to a partition with stuck obituaries
Found unprocessed stuck obituaries while performing NDS healthcheck


  1. Collect the dsrepair.log file from all servers that has obituaries after running "Check External References" option in dsrepair
  2. Make sure all servers in the replica ring of the problem partition are up and running.
  3. Make sure time is in sync at least on all servers in the ring of the problem partition where obituaries are stuck
  4. Check for NCP server objects of servers already removed from the tree and had replica of the partition where obituaries are stuck
  5. Check the replica rings for servers already removed from the tree and had replica of the problem partition where obituaries are stuck
  6. Check for collision rename NDS objects causing obituaries to stick
  7. Take an eDirectory backup using dsrepair -rc, dsbk, embox, ndsbackup etc.... on all servers in the replica ring of problem partition.
  8. Perform -ANT local database repair on all servers in the ring of problem partition. Please refer the following TID to perform -ANT repair.
  9. Perform -XK3 local database repair on all servers in the replica ring of problem partition. Please refer the following TID to perform -XK3 repair
  10. Perform -OT local database repair with purger on all servers in the replica ring of problem partition. Please refer the following TID to perform -OT repair
  11. Move master replica of the problem partition to a server with the least number of obituaries and again run -ANT, -XK3 & -OT repair on all servers in the replica ring of problem partition
  12. Compare dsrepair.log from servers in the replica ring of problem partition, check flag of the obituaries, -XK2 the box which is causing the issue. Please refer the following TID to perform -XK2 on a server to remove all replicas

Additional Information

Try the "Release Entry" option in iMonitor to clear orphaned inhibit_move, orphaned moved & orphaned move_tree obituaries. Use dsdump only if absolutely required, all other types of obituaries should be cleared automatically.