Updates to ZENworks 7 Handheld Management

  • 3829982
  • 17-Apr-2007
  • 16-Mar-2012


Novell ZENworks Handheld Management 7 - ZHM7


24 January 2011 ZENworks 7 Handheld Management Support Pack 1 Interim Release 4 Hot Patch 6, available at https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=x_x4cdA5yT8~
This release contains new platform support for x86 and SH3 architectures. The following devices are now supported:
HP T5540(x86) with Windows CE 6.0 devices
Zebra PS2100T(SH3) with Windows CE 3.0 Devices
Dolphin 7850 with Windows Mobile 5.0 Devices .
TID 7007663 - Security Vulnerability Heap Buffer Overflow with ZENworks 7 Handheld Management
Note that Hot Patch 6 is the first update to ZHM since ZHM7SP1IR4

17 June 2009 - Novell ZENworks 7 Support Pack 1 Interim Release 4, available at https://download.novell.com/patch/finder/#familyId=131&priority=&productId=14940&distribution=&architecture=&xp=25066&xy=25066_2008&keywords=ZHM7SP1_IR4.ZIP search keyword is ZHM7SP1_IR4.ZIP


TID 7004483 - Group Policies not applying on Verizon XV6800 WinCE devices
TID 7004518 - Reports and Queries in ZHM Reporting return no results

16 May 2007
- Novell ZENworks 7 Support Pack 1 Interim Release 3a Hot Patch 1, available at https://download.novell.com/ search keyword is ZHM7SP1IR3a_HP1

TID 7001911 - Device is blocked by security policy - Windows Mobile 6
TID 7002273 - ZHM Blackberry 8310 is not working with ZHM7

16 May 2007- Novell ZENworks 7 Support Pack 1 Interim Release 3, available at https://download.novell.com search keyword is ZHM7SP1_IR3a

TID 3853660 - Cannot supply parameters to Windows CE shortcut
TID 7000534 - Self-Destruct is incomplete on WIN CE device
TID 7000536 - Treo 680 device locks up after phone call when security policy is applied
TID 7000399 - ZENworks Handheld Management 7 Services Crashing on Windows 2003 Server
TID 3174166 - Viewing application status causes Handheld Services to restart
TID 7000535 - Software Inventory missing

14 July 2006- Novell ZENworks 7 with Support Pack 1, available at https://download.novell.com/
This is an "overlay" install, which can be used to upgrade from ZENworks 7, to install ZENworks 7 with Support Pack 1 in a new environment, or to upgrade to ZENworks 7 with Support Pack 1 from specified earlier versions of ZENworks. See the ZENworks 7 with Support Pack 1 documentation at
https://www.novell.com/documentationfor details.

3346053- Resend does not work for User associated applications
3117114- ERROR:"java.net.SocketException: Connection reset" viewing events
10100577- ERROR: An error occurred at the server while retrieving database data
10100578- ERROR: Skipped installation of file on device GUID . The processor type of the file and the device does not match.?
10098302- Getting duplicate imports on hard reset for the MC9060-G device
3546113- Agent on DENSO device does not automatically open rf connection
10099772- VNC server file shows as "unknown file" in Windows CE inventory
10100989- BlackBerry device not importing automatically