"An error occurred while trying to rename the object: null" in ZENworks Control Center when renaming device

  • 3630990
  • 19-Jul-2006
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Linux Management Linux Management 7 - ZLM7


Error: "An error occurred while trying to rename the object: null See Tomcat Log for full stack trace"

This error occurs when you try to rename a device in the ZENworks Control Center


To obtain access to a hot patch with the fix for this problem, follow the instructions in KB 3469853 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management" which can be found at Novell Support

Additional Information

1. Navigate to 'Servers' folder
2. click checkbox for a server >> Click menubar, Edit >> Rename
3. Fill in new name for server (choose a name that already exists) >> OK
4. error displayed in ZENworks Control Center (ZCC)