Corrupt POA object that cannot be deleted

  • 3551196
  • 20-Mar-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 6.0


New Post Offices have POA objects in GroupWise view but no NDS counterparts
POA objects will not graft
POA objects cannot be deleted from ConsoleOne or NWAdmin - error suggests that there is an invalid attribute
Cannot edit POA properties
Rebuilding the databases and synchronising the objects have no effect


1. If there are no users in the post office, you can do the following to remove the corrupt object:
A. Graft the domain and post office. This graft need only be done on the owning domain and post office.
1. Highlight any container in the eDirectory tree.
2. Select Tools|GroupWise Utilities|GW/eDirectory Associations|Graft GroupWise Objects
3. Follow the Wizards prompts to complete the graft. You only need to graft domains,
post offices and gateways.
B. Delete the problem post office object. This should delete both the post office and the POA objects.
If this problem originated from a failed post office creation, see KB 3775792 for ways to avoid this failure.
2. If step 1 does not work, you may need to forward your primary domain database to Novell Technical Support in order to get this fixed. They will modify the necessary records in order to rectify the problem.

NOTE:- Please be sure to check with them that what you are experiencing is exactly this problem before sending in your primary domain database.

First they will assess how long it would take to fix the problem and then work with you to arrange some downtime on your system while they edit the primary domain database. Once they return the fixed database, a top down rebuild will be necessary in order to sync the changes to all the secondary domains in the system (See TID10070541) - This will prevent the bad info from syncing back from one of the secondaries later on.
Once this has been done, the problem POA's will be manageable again.

Additional Information

It is likely that the record(s) in the domain database describing the affected POA object(s) have an invalid attribute set. This is extremely rare.

Formerly known as TID# 10097375