Novell ZENworks 7 Linux Management - ZLM7
Zlman bundle-add-package is creating a new deployed revision based on the last deployed revision only. Any package changes in newer non-deployed revisions are ignored giving the impression that packages are being removed or replaced.
Fix included in hot patch, follow the instructions in KB 3469853 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management" which can be found at Novell Support
Additional Information
- Within the ZENworks Control Center create a bundle and deploy it.
- Add some extra packages to this bundle to create extra revisions (do NOT click on deploy)
- From the command line interface use the "zlman bap" command to add a package to the bundle.
Go back and view the bundle from within the ZENworks Control Center.
The packages are not being removed, from the ZENworks Control Center it is still possible to view the different revisions.