Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES)
Novell iPrint on OES Linux
Novell iPrint on OES Linux
Repeated 506D000C error shown in "Latest Client Events" within the iPrint Manager Status page
Operation Set:, Error: 506D000C - object not found, User Name:, Address:, Object Name: unknown
Operation Set:, Error: 506D000C - object not found, User Name:, Address:, Object Name: unknown
The messages shown in this log are cosmetic. Printing will not be affected by the errors shown here.
Some customers, however, are seeing symptoms such as printing stops working and linking the messages reported in this TID as part of the cause. If you are seeing the symptom of printing stops, see KB 3245149
Some customers, however, are seeing symptoms such as printing stops working and linking the messages reported in this TID as part of the cause. If you are seeing the symptom of printing stops, see KB 3245149
Additional Information
The gateway daemon (iprintgw) is making innappropriate requests from the iPrint Manager (ipsmd) daemon.
To view the "Latest Client Events":
1. Go to https:///PsmStatus
2. Click the "Advanced iPrint Manager Information" button
3. Click the "Latest Client Events" link
Formerly known as TID# 10100655
To view the "Latest Client Events":
1. Go to https://
2. Click the "Advanced iPrint Manager Information" button
3. Click the "Latest Client Events" link
Formerly known as TID# 10100655