Preview Members Button shows inaccurate information with a Dynamic Workstation Group.

  • 3359496
  • 18-Dec-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10.0.1 Configuration Management
Windows 2003 and SLES 10 sp1 hosting ZCM 10.0.1 have this issue.


Preview Members Button shows inaccurate information with a Dynamic Workstation Group.
Issues with Dynamic Groups and querying on Software manufacturers
Screen shots of issue:Setting the following query:
When hitting the "Preview Members" button, no results are returned.
However, inventory shows software manufacturer criterion of "Novell" is installed.


This is fixed in version 10.0.3 - see KB 3486285 "Updates to ZENworks 10 Configuration Management" which can be found at