ZENworks 7 Linux Management - ZLM7.2
When installing ZENworks Linux Management 7.2 on a server, the configuration file /etc/crontab points to the wrong location for the script zlm-pg-vacuum.
To obtain access to a hot patch with the fix for this problem, follow the instructions in KB 3469853 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support
Ensure after installing the rpms to follow the instructions in the readme for zlm72hp5-tid.tar.gz "ZLM 7.2 Upgrade to IR 1 from ZLM 7.2" found at https://download.novell.com
Ensure after installing the rpms to follow the instructions in the readme for zlm72hp5-tid.tar.gz "ZLM 7.2 Upgrade to IR 1 from ZLM 7.2" found at https://download.novell.com
Change all
instances in the configuration file /etc/crontab to reflect the
correct location of the script zlm-pg-vacuum, from
/opt/novell/zenworks/bin/zlm-pg-vacuum to