Novell Client for Windows 2000/XP/2003 4.91 Login
Novell Client for Windows 95/98 3.4 Login
Command-line Parameters for Login
Loginw32.exe [/VER] [[<Server> | <Tree>]/][<Username>] [</options>] [<%n variables>]
Parameters that Apply only to Text-mode Login
/CLS Clear the screen before executing.
/NB Do not display banner.
/SWAP [path] Swap login to extended/expanded memory, current directory,
or specified [<path>] when running external script commands.
/VER Display version information.
Parameters that Apply to only GUI Login
/CONT Attempt to login without the UI. Bring up UI if it fails.
/A Force the Advanced button and the Location profile combo to be visible.
/SI Force the Advanced button and the Location profile combo to be invisible
Parameters that Apply to Both GUI and Text-mode Logins
/B Force Bindery mode
/NA /NS Don't run scripts, clear connections.
/NA Run scripts, don't clear connections.
/NS Don't run scripts, don't clear connections.
/P <filename> Run <filename> as the profile script.
/S <filename> Run <filename> as the script.
/TR Login to tree. (Specified [<Server> | <Tree>] is a tree.)
- Command line parameters take precedence over location profiles settings. (e.g. if you specify /S <filename> then<filename> will be used instead of the script specified in the location profile.
- If /B, /TR or [<Server> | <Tree>] are specified, then profiles are disabled.
- Warning, if you have Save profile on exit specified for the profile that is used, command line parameters will cause the affected fields to be written back into the profile.
For user "Charlie" to login to eDirectory without executing any login script, and without displaying the user interface:
loginw32.exe charlie /NA /CONT
For the logged on Windows user to login eDirectory without excuting any login script, and without displaying the user interface, using the "Run" key in the registry, create a REG_EXPAND_SZ value named"NWSCRIPT" under the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] key, and then set the "NWSCRIPT" value to a command line:
loginw32.exe %username% /NA /CONT
NOTE: Any errors returned by this command are outside the scope of this document, and should be referred to Micro Focus technical support for investigation and resolution.
key words: LOGINWNT.EXE LOGINW95.EXE, LOGINW31.EXE gui login LOGINW32.EXE parameters command line options switches
Additional Information
Using the "\" or "/" characters in the password may result in the login dialog being presented with an invalid password in the password field, and with tree name getting misplaced in the server field. After clicking "OK" in the Novell Login dialog a “Novell Security message” window appears, displaying the message “The system could not log you into the network. Make sure your name and password information are correct, then type your password again.”
Formerly known as KB 2935829.
key words: LOGINWNT.EXE LOGINW95.EXE, LOGINW31.EXE gui login LOGINW32.EXE LOGIN.EXE parameters command line options switches