Host Access Management and Security Server (MSS) version 12.4 released February 2017. This technical note describes the new features, known issues, and notes about installing and upgrading.
In this note:
Features Introduced in Version 12.4Installing or Upgrading
Known Issues
Features Introduced in Version 12.4
Host Access Management and Security Server 12.4 (in addition to the 12.3 features described in KB 7021619) includes the following features:
- Two login options to the Administrative WebStation, available from the Start menu:
- Administrative Server (HTML login) directly opens the Administrative WebStation. (English-only.)
- Administrative Server opens the list of session links, with a link to the Administrative WebStation. (Requires Java plugin support in the client browser.)
- Management and Security Server Framework file
Beginning in version 12.4, a "Management and Security Server Framework" file is automatically installed to enable the server framework.
In the About box, the file displays as Management and Security Server Framework (12.4.nn.nnn)
- Features for InfoConnect, Reflection Desktop, and Rumba+ Desktop clients:
- X.509 authentication
- Metering support for Rumba+ Desktop
- Management of server certificates (not supported in Rumba+)
- Features for Reflection ZFE clients:
NOTE: Reflection ZFE version 2.0 or higher is required. Earlier versions are not compatible with Management and Security Server 12.4.
- X.509 authentication
- Support for multiple LDAP servers (authentication and authorization)
Note: The Administrative Server user interface will be English-only in future releases of Management and Security Server.
Installing or Upgrading
Maintained customers are eligible to download the latest product releases from the Downloads website at https://download.attachmate.com/Upgrades/. For more information on using Downloads, see KB 7021965.
When installing or upgrading, refer to the Management and Security Server Installation Guide: https://www.attachmate.com/documentation/mss-12-4/mss-installguide/.
- On the Downloads website, locate “Host Access Management and Security Server,” and download the mss-12.4 installer for your platform.
Add-On products are listed as "Management and Security Server - <product> Add-On."
- You can use the automated installer to install your entitled Add-On product(s). See the Installation Guide for details: https://www.attachmate.com/documentation/mss-12-4/mss-installguide/.
- Upgrading to Management and Security Server 12.4 from Management and Security Server version 12.3 or 12.2 is a direct process. If you are running an earlier version, we recommend upgrading to 12.2 first.
Known Issues
- A Usage Metering report does not open when:
An administrator accesses the MSS server over HTTPS and then, in the Administrative WebStation, clicks Reports > Usage Metering for a metering server defined on an HTTP port. Result: In Firefox, the browser page is blank. In Internet Explorer 11, a warning displays with an option to proceed to the page.
Workaround: Either access the MSS server using the same protocol as the metering server. Or, in Internet Explorer 11, select the "Show all content" button. Warning: This connection is not secure. The unencrypted content is accessible to sniffers and can be modified by man-in-the-middle attackers.
- Smart card authentication fails when an intermediate CA with the “Name Constraint” critical extension is evaluated in the Management and Security Server certificate store.
Workaround: Delete the intermediate certificate from the Management and Security Server store and only install the signing CA for the user certificate. Or, use the PKI Services Manager.
For the latest Security Updates, see https://support.microfocus.com/security/?prod=MSS.
For technical resources including documentation and technical notes, see https://support.microfocus.com/product/?prod=MSS.
For product information--including the Management and Security Server (MSS) Add-Ons--see https://www.attachmate.com/products/mss/.