Attachmate KEA! X
The KEA! X to Reflection X migration utility, KEA2RX.exe, translates two types of KEA! X files into Reflection X-compatible files. This technical note describes how to use the migration utility.
Migrating Files
The KEA! X to Reflection X Client Starter File Translator translates two types of KEA! X files into the Reflection X-equivalent files:
- KEA! X server settings files (*.kxc files) are translated to Reflection X server settings files (*.rxs files).
- KEA! X client starter files (*.xsf files), are translated to either:
- A conventional client starter file (*.rxc)
- A multi-client (session) file (*.rxm)
Beginning in version 14.0, Reflection X supports a new file format for session files (*.rxm). Session files (*.rxm) are generated if the KEA! X *.xsf file contains multiple commands.
Note the following:
- Session files cannot be edited using the Reflection X Client Manager.
- Passwords will not be retained; however user names will be retained.
Running the Migration Utility
Follow these steps to run the command-line migration utility, KEA2RX.exe.
- Download the migration utility, keautility.exe, from the Attachmate Download Library.
Note: This file is available to licensed customers with a current maintenance plan for Reflection X products. For more information about logins and accessing the Download Library, see KB 7021965.
- Unzip the files (kea2rx.exe, imp_settings.dll, and rxinit.dll) into the default directory (c:\~keautil).
Note: Do not unzip the files into the C:\Program Files\Attachmate\Reflection folder.
- Open a command window and change directory to c:\~keautil\keautility.
- Run the following command, using the search option:
KEA2RX.exe search=default
The output should direct you to where the server settings files and client starter files are located. Here is a sample of the output:
Kea! X Server Settings files:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\Application Data\Attachmate\KEA! X\6.00\<file_name>.kxc
Kea! X Client Starter files:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\Application Data\Attachmate\KEA! X\6.00\<file_name>.xsf
- Once you locate the files to migrate, run the following command:
KEA2RX.exe in=<dir1> out=<dir2>
for example:
kea2rx in="C:\Documents and
Settings\<user_name>\Application Data\Attachmate\KEA! X\6.00"
out="C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\My
Note the following:
- If a path contains spaces, you must use double-quotes.
- If KEA! X Client Starter file names include hyphens, rename the files before migrating them. If the names include hyphens, the *.rxm files will not work.
Migrated File Names
When KEA! X files are migrated, a hyphen is added to the end of *.rxc and *.rxs file names so that the user can recognize that the file was migrated. *.rxm file names remain exactly as they were prior to migration; no hyphen is added to the file name.
Running Your Migrated Files
To run your migrated *.rxs file, double-click the file to load the server settings specified in the server settings file. Any settings not specified in the settings file will load as default settings.
Running *.rxm Files
You can run your migrated *.rxm file by double-clicking the file. Reflection X will start and run all the commands in the client file.
Before you can run a *.rxm file, you must edit the *.rxm file type. Follow these steps:
- Open Windows Explorer.
- Click Tools > Folder Options and select the File Types tab.
- Select RXM under Registered file types, and click Advanced.
- In the Edit File Type window, click Edit.
- In the Application used to perform action box, remove the second set of double quotation marks. For example, change it to the following:
"C:\Program Files\Attachmate\Reflection\Runrx.exe" -s %1
Now you can run your migrated *.rxm file by double-clicking the file. Reflection X will start and run all the commands in the client file. Or, you can run the file by Creating a Shortcut.
Note: Connection templates with the *.rxm extension cannot be opened or viewed from the Reflection X user interface or associated with an X Server Instance.
Running *.rxc Files
You can run your migrated *.rxc file by double-clicking the file. Reflection X will start and run the command in the client file.
If you want to run a connection template with the *.rxc extension with a particular X Server Instance (*.rxs file), you must open the file from the Reflection X user interface and run it from there, instead of double-clicking it. Or, run the file by creating a shortcut, as explained in the next section.
Creating a Shortcut
You can associate and launch a server settings file and a *.rxc client starter file using a shortcut. (You cannot use this method to open a *.rxm file; you must double-click a *.rxm file to open it.)
- Locate the files that you migrated in step 4 above. They should be located in the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\My Documents\Attachmate\Reflection
- Double-click the migrated server file (*.rxs) that you want to run. Reflection X will launch (if it's not already running) and use the settings in the migrated server file.
- To run your migrated client starter file, go to File > Open Client File and click the *.rxc client starter file that you want to run. (Note that the action of launching one migrated client starter file results in all migrated client files from the same directory to import to Reflection X and display in the left pane under Client Files > Client Startup.)
- Click File > Create Shortcut, and save a shortcut in the directory of your choice. When you click that shortcut, the server and client starter files that you associated with the shortcut will both be used.