How to enable debug in IAP

  • KM744798
  • 09-Jun-2009
  • 09-Jun-2009


The document explains the method to enable debug in IAP system for advance level troubleshooting.


When it comes to support and troubleshooting, the most common term we come across is 'debug'. Debugs help us to know the cause of a problem, narrowing it down to a faster resolution.

While there are a handful of options to be debugged, it is a good practice to follow the checklists while gathering information for support. The problem clearly described with adequate information is half solved. With IAP, the following checklists and debugging methods are useful.

1)              Problem Description:

a) Clearly describe the specific issue to be addressed.
b) Describe exactly what is being observed.
c) Describe exactly what was expected.
d) Specify when the problem first occurred. Was there any changes made in IAP?
e) Specify what has changed in the environment that could have caused the problem.
e) Describe, if possible, what was determined as a workaround.

2)              Collect basic information:

2.1  Get the Software Version:

From a putty session, logged onto the PCC (Username: root and Password: skyline) (default)):
a) Patch Level:
    Kickstart: /install/tools/patches/active/patchRISS -st

b) Hotfix Level:
    Kickstart: /install/tools/hotfix/hotfix-status
    (pre RISS 1.5.02 use "rpm -qa | grep -i riss")


Logon to the WebUI via a browser and open up the PCC Overview (KickStart server), scroll down to the RISS Version – code Installed section.

2.2)  Get the RISS System Status:

a) RISS Status overview from PCC Web-UI:

• Log in to the PCC Web-UI
• The first page you see is the overview page.
• Take screenshots  (Anything not showing a green icon is to be taken in to account).


b) RISS Status overview from the PCC command line:

• /opt/bin/viewAppState -v >>/tmp/riss_state.txt
• /opt/bin/viewCloudState >>/tmp/riss_state.txt
• /opt/bin/viewDocCounts -v >>/tmp/riss_state.txt
• /opt/bin/collectLAST_KICKED >>/tmp/riss_state.txt
• Get the file /tmp/riss_state.txt

2.3) Additional useful information to collect:

Open a putty session and log into the PCC and run the following command.
  • /opt/bin/collectSystemInfo gives a good overview about memory allocation of various systems.
    The output is written to /tmp/systeminfo
  • /opt/bin/collectHardwareTypes gives an overview as well  

3)              Enabling Debugs:


Enabling debug in the log4j.xml file:

How to enable debug?

  • Debug has to be enabled on each affected system.
  • vi /opt/jboss/server/application/conf/log4j.xml
  • Search for root
  • Change
    <priority value="INFO"/>
    <priority value="DEBUG"/>
  • Save the file.
  • There is no need to restart any software.
  • Debugs are written into the common log files.

How to disable debug?

  • Debug has to be disabled on each system where it has been enabled before.
  • vi /opt/jboss/server/application/conf/log4j.xml
  • Search for root
  • Change
    <priority value="DEBUG"/>
    <priority value="INFO"/>
  • Save the file.
  • There is no need to restart any software.

4)              Collecting logs:

In addition to the above files, the debug logs are located in /var/log/applianceLogs. One should run the following command to get the logs collected in to this directory:

On the PCC from command line:

/opt/bin/collectxxLogs (where xx is the abbreviation of the host type) or /opt/bin/collectLogs for logs from all systems


The log files are placed on the PCC: /var/log/applianceLogs/<hostIP>
Each time you run a collect Log command, the old logs are deleted from the /var/log/applianceLogs directory.
/opt/bin/collectExceptions gets exceptions from all logs from all machines
See /var/log/ and /var/log/logs.exceptions for the output

One can run /opt/bin/collectLogs -hg portals to collect all the logs.

Once the logs are collected, upload them to the ftp server obtained from support.