Please note that this Knowledge Document applies to Service Manager versions 7.0x and 7.1x
The following error block is encountered in the Service Manager sm.log. Below is a sample excerpt from an affected system
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE E **** CreateJavaVM() failed! rc = -4
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D -Xms512m
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D -Xmx512m
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D -Xrs
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D -Djava.class.path=.\lib\common-7.10.jar;.\lib\commons-codec-1.3.jar;.\lib\commons-logging-1.1.jar;.\lib\embedded-7.10.jar;.\lib\FastInfoset-1.1.1.jar;.\lib\htmlparser-1.6.jar;.\lib\jgroups-all-2.5.0.jar;.\lib\k2.jar;.\lib\kmplugin-7.10.jar;.\lib\log4j-1.2.15.jar;.\lib\mail-1.4.jar;.\lib\saaj-api-2.1.jar;.\lib\saaj-impl-2.1.jar;.\lib\scautoserver-7.10.jar;.\lib\utility-7.10.jar;.\tomcat\lib\catalina-optional.jar;.\tomcat\lib\catalina.jar;.\tomcat\lib\commons-el.jar;.\tomcat\lib\commons-logging.jar;.\tomcat\lib\commons-modeler.jar;.\tomcat\lib\jasper-compiler-jdt.jar;.\tomcat\lib\jasper-compiler.jar;.\tomcat\lib\jasper-runtime.jar;.\tomcat\lib\jsp-api.jar;.\tomcat\lib\naming-factory.jar;.\tomcat\lib\naming-resources.jar;.\tomcat\lib\servlet-api.jar;.\tomcat\lib\servlets-default.jar;.\tomcat\lib\tomcat-coyote.jar;.\tomcat\lib\tomcat-http.jar;.\tomcat\lib\tomcat-util.jar;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Hewlett-Packard\HPOvLIC\lib\OvLic.jar
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D -Djava.library.path=.
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D -Djava.endorsed.dirs=.\lib\endorsed
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D\Program Files\HP\Service Manager 7.10\Server\RUN\jre\lib\security\cacerts
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D\Program Files\HP\Service Manager 7.10\Server\RUN\smsrv.keystore
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE E Error! CreateJavaVM() failed! rc = -4
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE E HP Service Manager is unable to start. Failed to initialize or attach to shared memory environment
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE E Could not create JVM.
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE I Shutdown of HP Service Manager environment has completed
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE E runServlet: inhook failed!
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE E runServlet returned -1
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE I Thread termination in progress
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE E Error 487 in call VirtualFree - Attempt to access invalid address.
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE D Total number of recorded stacks: 0
6436( 4084) 05/15/2009 11:10:49 RTE I Process termination cleanup complete
There are several options to resolve this error depending on the requirements.
- Lower the amount of memory reserved for Service Manager (lower amount of Xms memory).
- Add more memory to the server hosting Service Manager.
- Free up memory by stopping other non-essential applications taking memory on the Server.