QCCR1E54462 Web client cannot display specific array elements in a QBE list.

  • KM715856
  • 17-Apr-2009
  • 29-Apr-2011


Web client cannot display specific array elements in a QBE list. If it is set up to display ',n', none of the array contents are displayed.


Steps to reproduce: 

 1) Log into Service Manager 7.01
 2) Open operator.qbe.g format in forms designer (design mode)
 3) Click on entire Table
 4) Select columns from Properties tab, (Edit list box pops up) add "TEST" as the New Entry
 5) Select TEST column, add groups,3 for the input and select ok to save changes (groups is an out of box array field in
 operator dbdict)
 6) Log into Service Manager 7.01 through web client
 7) Select Operators from navigation tree or command line
 8) Run a true search
 If record list is enabled, then only 1 record is displayed and no QBE list is displayed
 Browser might hang with Javascript error if you click on the NEXT, OK, CANCEL, OR ANY BUTTON. Look at the lower-left
 hand corner of your browser for a yellow exclamation (!)  
 point icon with an error: 
 Object doesn't support this property or method
 URL: http://yourserver:8080/sm/detail.do?type=listdetail&thread=2
 If record list is disabled, the QBE column list will display, but will be entirely blank.
 The QBE list should be displayed appropriately and the values of the 3rd array for the groups field should display correctly


Not known at the current time - QCCR1E54462


No workaround exists