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When try to start Performance Agent of a server, appears the next warnings:
WARNING: perfalarm is not active (Alarm generator).
WARNING: perfalarmsrv is not active (Alarm generator service).
In the coda.txt the following error was reported:
0: INF: Tue Apr 14 13:39:19 2009: coda (1604/1372): Open failed, Exiting (MesaOpenResult=2,No such file or directory)
0: ERR: Tue Apr 14 13:39:19 2009: coda (1604/1372): FATAL ERROR Module: .\space.cpp Line: 544 Message: ><Missing EndAccess - C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/HP/HP BTO Software\datafiles\coda00015 Last global error: Unknown
In this case the main problem was a corruption of the CODA database.
1. Stop the OVO and OVPA processes:
C:\> ovc -kill
C:\> ovpacmd stop
2. Delete the database of CODA:
C:\> del C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/HP/HP BTO Software\datafiles\coda*
3. Start the OVO and OVPA processes:
C:\> ovc -start
C:\> ovpacmd start
4. Check the status of the OVO and OVPA processes:
C:\> ovc -status
C:\> perfstat -p