'Record in Table' validation rules defined inside Service Catalog User Selections are not enforced -QCR30455

  • KM640678
  • 06-Apr-2009
  • 06-Apr-2009

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'Record in Table' validation rules defined inside Service Catalog User Selections are not enforced -QCR30455


'Record in Table' validation rules defined inside Service Catalog User Selections are not enforced -QCR30455

Reproducible in 7.x (including 7.00 and 7.10)

1. Service Catalog

2. under the 'Service Catalog Publishing' tab, select 'Manage Catalog'

3. select any catalog item - i.e. 'Accounts Payable'

4. on the 'User Selections' tab, select 'Add User Selection'

5. specify the following values and select 'Next':

Name: language

Label: Language

Display Type: Text

6. leave the 'Type' as 'String' and the 'Mandatory' field UNCHECKED and select 'Next'

7. set the 'Validation Rule' to 'Record in Table', specify the following values and select 'Next':

Table Name: language

Field Name: Name

8. select OK to save your changes

9. exit back out to the Service Catalog menu

10. Order From Catalog

11. search for the catalog item that was just modified in step 8

12. click on this item

13. enter 'abc' in the 'Language' field and select 'Add to Cart'

RESULT: Even though the entered value is not a valid language, the item was successfully added to the cart.


Application defect


QCR 30455 has been created for this issue. There is currently no workaround