Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 ES/AS Update 7 : Unsupported operating system

  • KM624553
  • 27-Feb-2009
  • 27-Feb-2009

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


When using the Agent Deployment Tool (ADT), to deploy an agent to Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 ES/AS Update 7, the result is "Unsupported operating system"


When Using the Agent Deployment Tool (ADT):

Tue Feb 10 10:34:45 2009: Updating Local Agent Binary Cache
Tue Feb 10 10:34:53 2009: Finished Updating Local Agent Binary Cache
Tue Feb 10 10:34:55 2009: Tunnel succesfully created
Tue Feb 10 10:34:55 2009: Attempting to connect
Tue Feb 10 10:34:59 2009: Failed to connect to target machine's ADMIN$ share
Tue Feb 10 10:35:00 2009: No network provider accepted the given network path.
Tue Feb 10 10:35:06 2009: Begin agent deployment to
Tue Feb 10 10:35:08 2009: Connecting to with ssh:22...
Tue Feb 10 10:36:18 2009: Connected to
Tue Feb 10 10:36:19 2009: Setting environment...
Tue Feb 10 10:36:21 2009: Agent Installer =
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
Last login: Tue Feb 10 10:34:14 2009 from
[root@hostname ~]# stty -echo; echo "RC: $? EOL"
"RC: 0 EOL"
[root@hostname ~]# sh-3.00# sh-3.00# sh-3.00# BEGINen_US.UTF-8END
sh-3.00# BEGINEND
sh-3.00# sh-3.00# "RC: 0 EOL"
sh-3.00# echo BEGIN
sh-3.00# echo END
sh-3.00# echo "Release:`uname -r` EOL"
Release:2.6.9-78.0.13.ELsmp EOL
sh-3.00# echo "System:`uname -s` EOL"
System:Linux EOL
sh-3.00# echo "Arch:`uname -m` EOL"
Arch:x86_64 EOL
sh-3.00# echo "Release: `rpm -qf /etc/redhat-release` EOL"
Release: redhat-release-4AS-8.0.el4_7.1 EOL
sh-3.00# echo "Release:`uname -v`.`uname -r` EOL"
Release:#1 SMP Wed Jan 7 17:45:52 EST 2009.2.6.9-78.0.13.ELsmp EOL
sh-3.00# echo "Release:`uname -r` EOL"
Release:2.6.9-78.0.13.ELsmp EOL
sh-3.00# cat /etc/fedora-release
cat: /etc/fedora-release: No such file or directory
sh-3.00# cat /etc/SuSE-release
cat: /etc/SuSE-release: No such file or directory
sh-3.00# echo "RPM:`rpm -q VMware-esx --queryformat %{VERSION}` EOL"
RPM:package VMware-esx is not installed EOL
sh-3.00# Tue Feb 10 10:36:33 2009: Unsupported operating system.
Unsupported operating system.
Tue Feb 10 10:36:36 2009: Prerequisites check completed with errors



Redhat has changed the naming convention of the redhat-release RPM. This has caused our ADT tool to misinterpret the Linux Operating system which results in the Unsupported Operating System message.


Customers will need to manually install the Opsware Agent onto RHEL 4 AS/ES servers that are running Update 7.

Bug QCCR1D87599 has been created to address this issue in multiple versions of Server Automation.