The Password does not meet the password policy requirements. (OpC130-243)

  • KM602528
  • 23-Feb-2009
  • 23-Feb-2009


Installation of OMU Agent on win2003 managed node failed with the error message "The Password does not meet the password policy requirements. (OpC130-243)" If you want to use a specific password that meets your password policy requirements, encrypt it on the OMU management server with the opcpwcrpt tool under /opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/ And then add [Account Password] entries to the opcsetup.inf file before starting the installation.


Installation of Operations Manager for Unix (OMU) Agent on win2003 managed node failed with the error message "The Password does not meet the password policy requirements. (OpC130-243)" 
No problem occurs in past. After company applied new password policy to every PCs, the new added OVO clients will face this problem. 


This problem is caused following section is not set in opcsetup.inf file :
[Account Password]

The password policy is created under domain server and this global setting overwrote the local setting of every windows servers.  
If you leave the [Account Password] line empty in opcsetup.inf file, OMU generates a random password.
The installation kit cannot handle the policy changes when it tried to create "HP ITO account" with a weak password to the windows platform.


If you are installing the OMU agent software on a domain controller where password policy is enabled, do not let OMU create a random password for you.

Instead, specify your own password. You will need this password again when installing on another domain controller.

If you want to use a specific password that meets your password policy requirements, encrypt it on the OMU management server with the opcpwcrpt tool under:


And then add the following entries to the opcsetup.inf file before starting the installation :

[Account Password]
<password generated>

(Where <password generated> is the password you encrypt it on the OMU management server with the opcpwcrpt tool )