Error "Failed to get Req Value" when attempting to run Requirements with Test Coverage

  • KM526720
  • 04-Dec-2008
  • 04-Dec-2008


The root cause is the duplicates in RQ_ORDER_ID at same hierachy level.


When attempting to execute the Requirements with Test Coverage report for one of the projects,  the user received the following error:
"Failed to Get Req Value"


In Req table of this project there are 2 instances where two requirements have same req_order_id  under same parent requirement.

247                  51                      89
248                  51                      89
250                  51                      91
251                  51                      91


How to fix the duplicates -

In order to fix it in the database directly, please first make sure there is a good backup of the project database.

Then please check RQ_REQ_PATH value of the requirements in question to make sure the hierarchy indicated by RQ_REQ_PATH is matching what it looks like based on RQ_Father_ID. . RQ_REQ_PATH contains a string used by QC to determine the hierarchy of all requirement. This will make sure the two requirement, eg 247 and 248 are indeed at same level.

At last run an Update SQL statement to increase the RQ_ORDER_ID by 1 on one of the duplicated requierments to clear out the duplicate situation.