Cannot create instance of SettingsStor_3.OrchidCompObjWizard. Error cause is - Object required

  • KM517107
  • 03-Nov-2008
  • 03-Nov-2008


When creating new users in PC they are not able to login and they get the following error in the event log: Cannot create instance of SettingsStor_3.OrchidCompObjWizard. Error cause is - Object required /admin/ Authenticate.asp -> Microsoft V B Script runtime error


Cannot create instance of SettingsStor_3.OrchidCompObjWizard. Error cause is - Object required /admin/ Authenticate.asp -> Microsoft V B Script runtime error



This is caused becuase for some reason the default project is deleted from PC database (probably manually).


You need to change the "Default" project to be active again.
Please run the following query on the database:
update MI_LRDB.companies
set state=1
where companyID=1