System hangs, consumes cpu when querying LDAP during login

  • KM516606
  • 31-Oct-2008
  • 31-Jan-2011




Service Manager 7. 01 (SM 7.01)
While trying to login to system using ldap for authentication the system hangs, the log files grows very quickly and the sm process consumes more than 50% of the cpu cycles.



CPU utilization spikes on SC server due to bug in OpenLDAP library.  Infinite loop results in loginLock and hung sessions.

CPU utilization spikes on SC server due to bug in OpenLDAP library. The bug is in the OpenLDAP function ldap_chase_v3referrals(). The problem has been fixed in version 2.3.21 but we should investigate what is the best release to upgrade to.


QCCR1E31006 is fixed /targeted for SC 6.2.7, SM7.02 and SM7.10