SDK - Reading, Writing, & Creating a Text File

  • KM510776
  • 20-Sep-2008
  • 20-Sep-2008

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Sometimes it’s good to report errors to a log file (outside of the built-in TRIM error reporting). There are a few easy ways to do this using the Microsoft Scripting Runtime in VB6 and the System.IO in C#.


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Reading, Writing, & Creating a Text File

Sometimes it’s good to report errors to a log file (outside of the built-in TRIM error reporting). There are a few easy ways to do this using the Microsoft Scripting Runtime in VB6 and the System.IO in C#.

In VB:

Creating and Writing a text file:

Private Sub CreateTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Text As String)    Dim FS As New FileSystemObject    Dim Stream As TextStream    If Not FS.FileExists(FileName) Then        Call FS.CreateTextFile(FileName, True)        Set Stream = FS.OpenTextFile( _        FileName, ForWriting, False)        Call Stream.Write(Text)        Stream.Close    End If    Set FS = NothingEnd Sub

Reading text from a text file:

Private Function ReadTextFile(ByVal FileName As String) As String    Dim FS As New FileSystemObject    Dim Stream As TextStream    If FS.FileExists(FileName) Then        Set Stream = FS.OpenTextFile( _            FileName, ForReading)        ReadTextFile = Stream.ReadAll        Stream.Close    End If    Set FS = NothingEnd Function

In C#:

Creating and Writing a text file:

private void WriteTextFile(string Text, string FileName)		{			TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(FileName);			tw.WriteLine(Text);			tw.Close();				}

Reading a text file:

private string ReadTextFile(string FileName)		{			string returnText;			try			{				TextReader tr = new StreamReader(FileName);				returnText = tr.ReadToEnd();				tr.Close();				return returnText;			}			catch			{				returnText = "";				return returnText;			}					}