There is a Break between Data Policy and Table Definition.

  • KM505246
  • 20-Oct-2008
  • 20-Oct-2008


After applying SCR41879 to a ServiceManager 7.01.X system, if you modify the columns on a ChangeManagement qbe, the Caption values are not shown from the DataPolicy record. Only the field input values show up. The SCR has been modified to correct this.


There is no Error message.  This is a functionality behavior issue.


In SM7.01.053 after loading SCR41879 and you modify the columns on a ChangeManagement qbe, the Caption values are not shown from the DataPolicy record. Only the actual field names. Ie: structure,fieldname.  This only happens in ChangeManagement and ConfigurationMangement. All other modules work fine. For configuration management, this seems normal due to there is no datapolicy record created for the joinfile. However, ChangeManagement has a data policy record and the Captions are populated. When modifying the columns, the system should populate the selections with the Caption of the datadict (DataPolicy rec). If the caption list is empty, it should then take the field input values.

Steps to replicate:

On a canned SM7.01.053 system:

1. Menu Navigation

2. Change Management

3. Changes

4. Search Changes

5. True search

6. Options, Modify Columns ***** Notice that the column names are the Captions Names that come from the DataPolicy record*****

7. Now load SCR41879 (see attached)

8. Log out and back in

9. Repeat steps 1-6 *****Notice that the column names are now the structure,filedname now*****


Code issue with  SCR41879.


 SCR41879 has been modified to correct this.  The new unload is available from support