Problem installing OMU solaris 10 agent ovpath: cannot execute

  • KM500243
  • 02-Oct-2008
  • 02-Oct-2008


Installing OMU (Operations Manager for Unix) Agent 8.5x specific errors could arise, even with manual procedure.


Problem during installation of OMU agent on solaris 10 zone.
Manual installation returns error:
/opt/OV/lbin/xpl/[3379]: /opt/OV/bin/ovpath: cannot execute
/opt/OV/bin/ovpath returned nothing for datadir path
/usr/xpg4/bin/sh[5739]: /opt/OV/bin/ovconfchg: cannot execute
WARNING: Unable to update XPL configuration.
Starting OVTrcSrv...
/etc/init.d/OVTrcSrv[2]: /opt/OV/lbin/xpl/trc/ovtrcd: cannot execute
ERROR: Unable to start XPL TraceServer daemon
pkgadd: ERROR: postinstall script did not complete successfully


Main Cause:

-Wrong permissions (g+s) set to $basepath/tmp,
basepath=`${OVCSL_OV_ROOT}/bin/ovpath -datadir -`

-Wrong plaform for Solaris; there are 2 possible cpu platform: x86 and SPARC


Verify agent is for right platform, using following repository directories on OMU 8.x Management Server:

X86   --> /var/opt/OV/share/databases/OpC/mgd_node/vendor/sun/x86

sparc -->/var/opt/OV/share/databases/OpC/mgd_node/vendor/sun/sparc