Tasks won't close if you press close button before enter req'd dates

  • KM498627
  • 25-Sep-2008
  • 25-Sep-2008


When using a IIA system, on a Change Task, if you press the close button and are then prompted to enter the required fields of Actual Start and Actual End, then the open flag is reset to true and from here on, after you put in the required fields and click close, the open field is not set to false. SCR42173 has been opened to address this issue.


SM7.01.053 with IIA:
On a Change Task, if you press the close button and are then prompted to enter the required fields of Actual Start and Actual End, then the open flag is reset to true and from here on, after you put in the required fields and click close, the open field is not set to false. 


Reproduced on 7.01.053 w/ IIA

1. Login as falcon

2. select "Change Task" from Queue dropdown

3. click New

4. select category of Hardware

5. fill any assignment group and enter any title value

6. click Save button

7. click Close button

RESULT: cm.close application is run, open field value set to false (too early?)

8. click OK button

RESULT: validation gives message "Please provide an Actual Start." and sets open back to true

9. enter actualStart and actualEnd values

10. click OK button

11. go back to the task record

RESULT: the status value shows closed but its "open" value is still true. This is preventing the parent change phase from being advanced until the task is closed again, without the validation firing




Application issue in IIA data.




Modify the 'cm3t'/'cm3r' formatctrl to have the following calculation execute:

Del Condition: status in $file="closed"

Calc:   open in $file=false