How to allocate more memory for UCMDB UI?

  • KM473864
  • 15-Jul-2008
  • 15-Jul-2008


How to increase the memory for HP UCMDB Applets?


The HP UCMDB applet may require more memory than is allocated by default, especially when you view very large maps or use the applet for a long time without restarting the browser. To change the memory allocation, modify a file on the client machine (on the machine of the user who will be using the applet):
1- On Windows machines, open the file ..\Documents and Settings\%USERPROFILE%\ApplicationData\Sun\Java\Deployment\

Change the line with the latest Java version by adding to the end of it the text -XmxYYYm, where YYY is the amount of memory (in megabytes) you want to allocate to the Java applet. For example,
Modify from:

The above example is for JRE 1.6.0_05, the file can have mutiple lines for mutiple JRE installed on client machine. The correct line for the current version should be modified.
This will allocate 128 megabytes of memory to the applet. The default value (if no -Xmx parameter exists) is 64MB. It is unadvisable to use more than 256 MB. If Java is unable to acquire the specified memory it fails to load. In this case, set the memory allocation value to a lower value.
Note: You can also make this change by selecting Start > Settings > Control Panel. Double-click the Java icon and click the Java tab. Click the View button for Runtime settings are used when an applet is executed. Make changes in the Java Runtime Parameters field according to the above instructions.