Events are not displaying on Change Calendar

  • KM450185
  • 05-Jun-2008
  • 05-Jun-2008


Events are not displaying on Change Calendar 2.1.2 (SM 7.01). This is being caused by the field short.query field not being updated by the triggers on the inbox table. SCR41064 was opened to cover this issue. The Rad application uses the short.query field in the inbox record to query for the cmcalendar records. The problem is we do not populate the query correctly on the short.query field. This will be addressed in the SCR...


Calendar events are not displaying even though an FDCeventin cmcalendar record exist in Service Manager for the calendar period being displayed.
An inbox "Test - All cmcalendar records" inbox with query = true was created. However, the system seems to have appended the extra criteria of type="change" when the query is executed. Please see extract of stdout.log below:

[04-10 11:56:23][DEBUG][InboxFilterSelectorTag]: New filter value from request: Test - All cmcalendar records - cmcalendar - echew
[04-10 11:56:23][INFO][ChangeCalendarManagementService]: Remote time zone set to sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="GMT",offset=0,dstSavings=0,useDaylight=false,transitions=0,lastRule=null]
[04-10 11:56:23][DEBUG][CachingChangeCalendarManagementService]: Preloading event cache for date range: Tue Mar 25 00:00:00 EST 2008 - Thu May 08 00:00:00 EST 2008
[04-10 11:56:23][DEBUG][ChangeCalendarManagementService]: getEventsForDateRange(user=echew, begin=[Tue Mar 25 00:00:00 EST 2008], end=[Thu May 08 00:00:00 EST 2008])
[04-10 11:56:23][DEBUG][ChangeCalQueries]: __getChangeCalendarInstances(USER=echew, QUERY=type="change" and ( category="Major" or category="Minor" or category="Pre-Approved" or category="Significant" or type="FSCeventin" ) and PlannedEndDate > '25/03/2008 00:00:00' and PlannedStartDate < '08/05/2008 00:00:00')


The field short.query field not being updated by the triggers on the inbox table.



1. Go to the Forms Designer and bring up a form called: inbox.view

2. Add a text field to the form with the input value of: short.query

3. Log out and back in.

4. Go to the inbox.view form in Database manager and bring up the following inbox: All Changes

5. In the short.query filed you just added, change the query to be: type="change" or type="FSCeventin"

6. Save the record.

7. Login to the Change calendar and add an event.

8. You should see the event correctly now.

The Rad application uses the short.query field in the inbox record to query for the cmcalendar records. The problem is we do not populate the query correctly on the short.query field. This will be addressed in the SCR.