OVOW 7.50 - No entry for Graphs/Reports

  • KM431295
  • 04-Mar-2008
  • 04-Mar-2008


There is no Reports & Graphs entries in the Console GUI. Everything else works normally. Reporter service is running and web console shows corectly generated reports.
The reports can be reached from http://<OVOW Server>/HPOV_Reports/Reports.htm address with a web browser. The problem also occurs if a new console is created with add/remove snapin in mmc.


The following commands resolved the problem:

#regsvr32 /u OVInsightGraphs.dll OVReports_Graphs.dll OVSRReports.dll
#regsvr32 OVInsightGraphs.dll OVReports_Graphs.dll OVSRReports.dll