OMW 8.0 License tool fails with oprel-481 error

  • KM355886
  • 28-Jan-2008
  • 28-Jan-2008


OMW 8.0 License tool (ovolicense) fails with an oprel-481 error


When running the command "ovolicense  -i -a OVOW -f operations.dat" so as to install an Operations Manager for Windows 8.0 license the following error is displayed:
Exception: (oprel-481) Error to add license passwords from File: '(oprel-480)
Failed to add license passwords via smAddPasswordsFromFile() from file 'operations .dat'.
The error number is '304'. The error message is 'PDFile Not Found'. The error source is 'COvLicPDFileManager'.'.
In the ovolicense command, "operations.dat" refers to the file containing the license.


The error is caused when Performance Manager (PM) 8.0 is installed on the same system as Operations Manager for Windows (OMW) 8.0.

The occurs due to the fact that PM 8.0 installs a file in an incorrect location.


In order to be able to display the license GUI correctly, rename the file %OvInstallDir%\misc\EL\registration\hppm.xml to %OvInstallDir%\misc\EL\registration\hppm.xml.bak and then run the command again.