Error: SSL protocol error when attempting to connect with host "xxx"

  • KM1458927
  • 20-Aug-2012
  • 14-May-2013


This document shows how to check the certificate and connection when problems exist.


When Load Runner (LR) sends a request to the HTTPS Server on Replay, the server respond with an error about the SSL. For Web Service this error shows like this:
Action.c(4): t=2178ms: Closed connection [0] to xxx:2443 after completing 0 requests       [MsgId: MMSG-26000]
Action.c(4): Warning -26000: Empty or no response for URL="https://xxx:2443/websrv_cdisi/V1_0/IssuerBIDLookupService"             [MsgId: MWAR-26000]
Action.c(4): Error: SSL protocol error when attempting to connect with host "xxx"
Action.c(4): Error: SOAP request "SOAP Request" execution failed


As you can see, the port used by the customer is not a default 443 port.
You need to check that the certificate was binding to this port or default port. For more information


Try to check the certificate and connection using openssl with this sentence from CMD:
                       openssl s_client -connect <server ip>:2443
                       openssl s_client -connect <server ip>:443
This will show the certificate information. If not, customer has a certificate problem and need to check with IT engineers.