BPTWrapperTest Error: Action was not found

  • KM1392411
  • 22-May-2012
  • 15-Jul-2014


Describes a problem related to the first version of the Asset Upgrade Tool and how to overcome it. Keywords: BPTWrapperTest, LoadAndRunAction


After upgrading BPT components using one of the versions of the HP QuickTest Professional Asset Upgrade Tool, the error message "Action was not found" is returned when the components are executed from "Test Lab" Module of the Quality Center/Application Lifecycle Management (QC/ALM)

If the components are launched from QC/ALM Test Plan module, the problem does not appear.


This is a known problem caused by using the 1st version of the Asset Upgrade Tool:

"Components created with QuickTest Professional 9.x version are not marked as reusable when upgraded with the tool and therefore BPT Wrapper Test fails to load them as actions when running them."

The issue does not occur when running components from QC/ALM Test Plan Module as BPTWrapperTest is not invoked in that case.

The 2nd version of the asset upgrade tool (for ALM 11) includes the fix to this problem, so when run for the first time on projects containing BPT assets from versions 9.x they are correctly marked as reusable.

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All the components need to be marked as "Reusable".

Note: this can't be done via database queries or similar, only via programmatic approaches.

However, the problem remains for projects that were already upgraded. For these situations, the attached windows application automatically performs this operation for entire QC projects:



1) QTP must be installed on the machine running the utility
2) ALM must be installed in common mode/registered (i.e.
3) QTP needs to have connected to the ALM server for which the project exists