How to include the vuser_init_transcation and vuser_end_transaction in transaction summary Analysis report?

  • KM1274876
  • 30-Oct-2011
  • 03-Jun-2014


In LoadRunner 11 in the Transaction summary report, by default the Action_transaction, vuser_init_transaction and vuser_end_transaction are not generated by default. Provides instructions how to include them in transaction summary Analysis report.


How to include the vuser_init_transcation and vuser_end_transaction in transaction summary analysis report?


In LoadRunner 11.x Action_transaction, vuser_init_transaction and vuser_end_transaction are not automatically generated in the transaction summary in Analysis.
In order to collect data for these transactions (Action_transaction, vuser_init_transaction and vuser_end_transaction) the Automatic Transaction feature should be set before running the Load Test.
To set this option:
Go to Run-time settings on the Controller machine and before running scenario, select:
General -> Miscellaneous -> Automatic transactions -> select “Define each action as a transaction”
In LoadRunner 11.x by default, this option is unselected, by selecting it, every action in the script is handeled as a transaction.