When trying to save a Request or Transition, Error: ORA-04098: trigger 'ITG.KCRT_REQ_HEADER_DETA_30280_1' is invalid

  • KM1205131
  • 26-Jul-2011
  • 23-Apr-2013


Demand Management issue - single quote in Field Name


After installing Service Pack 2 for 9.1, the User is seeing the following error message when trying to save a Request, or using a transition button:
ORA-04098: trigger 'ITG.KCRT_REQ_HEADER_DETA_30280_1' is invalid and failed re-validation {KCRT_REQ_HEADER_DETAILS_TH-400}


This is caused by a single quote special character ' in the Field Name of one of the Fields in the Request.


As a Workaround, please edit the Request to remove the ' from the Field Name.

Fixed in 9.14 version.