Enforcing Password Complexity in Quality Center

  • KM1153624
  • 13-May-2011
  • 27-Oct-2020


QC does not include a mechanism to check password complexity therefore a workflow solution can be used


Quality Center (QC) does not include a mechanism to check password complexity therefore a workflow solution can be used


1) Add the following Site Configuration parameter


2) Secure the Customization>Workflow so the code can not be altered

  • Click Tools>Customize>Groups
  • Select the Group(s)>Administration
  • Uncheck "Setup Workflow"

3) Implement the following workflow code

Note: this code is purely a suggestion. Changes can be made to adjust the complexity. See the comments in the below code to make these adjustments

'Password Complexity Workflow for QC
Function CanLogin(DomainName, ProjectName, UserName)
  On Error Resume Next
  Set td = TDConnection
  strCurrentPassword = td.password
     If PasswordComplexity(strCurrentPassword) = False Then
        sValueOld= InputBox("Your current Password does not meet minimum complexity requirements" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "You must change your password now" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Enter Old Password")
        sValueNew= InputBox("Enter New password")
        If PasswordComplexity(sValueNew) = False Then
           MsgBox "Password Complexity does not meet minimum requirments" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "You'll now be disconnected"
           CanLogin = False
            td.changepassword sValueOld,sValueNew
            CanLogin = True
        End If
     End If
  'CanLogin = DefaultRes
  On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Function PasswordComplexity(strValue)
  Dim intMinLength
  Dim bolChangePassword
  Dim intCountA
  Dim intCountB
  Dim strLetter
  Dim strCurrentPassword

  Dim intUCaseMin
  Dim intLCaseMin
  Dim unNScharMin

  Dim intUCaseCount
  Dim intLCaseCount
  Dim inNSCharCount

  intUCaseMin = 1  'set this value to specify the minimum number of upper case characters required in a password
  intLCaseMin = 1  'set this value to specify the minimum number of lower case characters required in a password
  intNScharMin = 1 'set this value to specify the minimum number of numbers AND special characters (symbols) required in a password
  intMinLength = 1 'set this value to specify the minimum number of total characters required in a password

  intUCaseCount = 0
  intLCaseCount = 0
  intNSCharCount = 0
  bolChangePassword = False

  If Len(strValue) < intMinLength  then bolChangePassword = True
     msgbox "enter loop"
     For intCountB = 1 to Len(strValue)
         strLetter = Mid(strValue,intCountB,1)
         'Check for upper case characters
         For intCountA = 65 to 90 'check for letters A thru Z inclusive (upper case)
             If strLetter = chr(intCountA) Then
                intUCaseCount = intUCaseCount + 1
             End If
         'Check for lower case characters
         For intCountA = 97 to 122 'check for letters a thru z inclusive (lower case)
             If strLetter = chr(intCountA) Then
                intLCaseCount = intLCaseCount + 1
             End If
         'Check for numbers
         For intCountA = 48 to 57 'check for numbers 0 thru 9 inclusive
             If strLetter = chr(intCountA) Then
                intNSCharCount = intNSCharCount + 1
             End If
         'Check for special
         For intCountA = 33 to 41 'check for special characters shift 0 thru shift 9 inclusive
             If strLetter = chr(intCountA) Then
                intNSCharCount = intNSCharCount + 1
             End If
             'check for custom special
             If strLetter = chr(43) then intNSCharCount = intNSCharCount + 1 'check for "+"
             If strLetter = chr(45) then intNSCharCount = intNSCharCount + 1 'check for "-"
             If strLetter = chr(61) then intNSCharCount = intNSCharCount + 1 'check for "="
             If strLetter = chr(95) then intNSCharCount = intNSCharCount + 1 'check for "_"
     If intUCaseCount < intUCaseMin or intLCaseCount < intLCaseMin or intNSCharCount < intNScharMin or bolChangePassword = True Then
        bolComplexityMet = False
        bolComplexityMet = True
     End If
     PasswordComplexity = bolComplexityMet
End Function