ALM 11 Configuration wizard is launched but does not proceed after installation on Windows Server 2008 R2

  • KM1147459
  • 06-May-2011
  • 03-Apr-2014


This article provides information about how to avoid an issue with ALM Configuration Wizard after ALM installation on Windows Server 2008 R2 machine.


After running the Application Lyfecycle Management (ALM) 11 installation, the ALM Configuration Wizard launches, but does not proceed when installing on Windows Server 2008 R2.


In the installation log file it can be seen that the ALM installer stopped after running IIS check:

05/05/2011 18:14:57        main      DEBUG                 Installation          iisVersion: 7
05/05/2011 18:14:57        main      DEBUG                 Installation          isIISrunning: true

The problem can be resolved by opening the "Run_after_install.bat" file from the initial installation path ("C:\Program Files\HP\Application Lifecycle Management Platform" by default) and adding the following lines to disable the validation:

SKIP_VALIDATIONS=-wOsValidator  -wEncryptionStepValidator

After that save the "Run_after_install.bat" file and re-run the ALM Configuration Wizard.