How to Configure CI Aging Settings

  • KM03812428
  • 31-May-2021
  • 31-May-2021


This task explains how to configure the aging mechanism for adapters in Universal CMDB 2020.11


To learn more about aging, see The Aging Mechanism Overview.


To enable aging of CIs:

  1. Select the adapter: Adapter Management > Resources pane > Packages > <adapter>

  2. In the Adapter Configuration tab, under Results Management, select an Enable Aging option as follows:

    System Default

    Enables aging of CIs using the default aging setting defined in each CI type's attribute settings.

    For details, see Configuration Item Properties Dialog Box.

    Always Enabled

    Always enables aging of CIs discovered by jobs that use this adapter.

    Note When this option is selected, the default aging setting defined in each CI type's attribute settings is ignored.

    Always disabled

    Disables aging of CIs discovered by jobs that use this adapter.

    Note This option overrides the default aging setting defined in each CI type's attribute settings.