Configure Filtering Using the globalFiltering.xml File

  • KM03812426
  • 31-May-2021
  • 31-May-2021


This document explains how to perform filtering using a manual method. If you want a UI-driven solution to performing this task, see Configure Filtering in UCMDB.


This document explains how to perform filtering using a manual method.

If you want a UI-driven solution to performing this task, see Configure Filtering in UCMDB.



  • You can use regular expressions in filters.

  • Attributes in the filter should be of type string only. For details on CI attribute types, see Attributes Page.

  • You can use the "between" operator when filtering results, but only when the Object class is “ip_address” and the attribute name is “name”.
  • A result is considered to be a match only if all filter attributes have the same values as those in the CI. (If one of a CI's attributes is not specified in the filter, all the results for this attribute match the filter.)

  • A CI can match more than one filter. The CI is removed or remains according to the filter in which it is included.

  • DFM filters first according to the <includeFilter> and then applies the <excludeFilter> on the results of <includeFilter>.