Dynamic Docker Application Discovery Logs

  • KM03812399
  • 31-May-2021
  • 31-May-2021


Dynamic Docker Application Discovery Logs


How to troubleshoot the docker monitor application discovery if it is not being able to be configured


Check the following logs in the <SiteScope root directory>\logs\docker_monitor folder:
<SiteScope root directory>\logs\docker_monitor\app_discover_listener.log.
This log contains information about:
i. Dynamic Docker monitor configuration changes, for example, if monitored containers are added to or deleted from the monitor, or if an existing container stops or is restarted.
ii. Dynamic Docker monitor deletion.
iii. Application group deletion.
<SiteScope root directory>\logs\docker_monitor\app_discover_scheduler.log.
This log contains information about all of the discovery schedulers.
For more details on the schedulers, see How to Configure the Automatic Discovery Mechanism Schedulers section.
<SiteScope root directory>\logs\docker_monitor\app_discover_config_file_updater.log.
This log contains information about new and updated config files. Check this file to ensure that the configuration loaded properly.
This is dependent on the frequency that the config file is checked for changes, which is determined by the _dynamicDockerAppDiscoverConfigFilesSampleRateInSeconds property in the
SiteScope root\groups\master.config file.
For details, see the How to Configure the Automatic Discovery Mechanism Schedulers section.
<SiteScope root directory>\logs\docker_monitor\app_discover_web_ui_requests.log.
This log contains information about requests to the applications discovered from the Unified Console (Web user interface).