This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.
We found that there are issues in encrypted files and we re-encrypted them using the below commands:
- Executed below commands to create a temporary txt files:
echo "ENG=<Servername>;DBN=BI4_CMS;UID=dba;PWD=1ShrAdmin" >> $PMDB_HOME/DR/cms.txt
echo "ENG=<Servername>;DBN=BI4_Audit;UID=dba;PWD=1ShrAdmin" >> $PMDB_HOME/DR/Audit.txt
- Executed below commands to create new OBR DR encrypted files using above created temporary txt:
source $PMDB_HOME/../BOE4/sap_bobj/setup/;dbfhide $PMDB_HOME/DR/cms.txt $PMDB_HOME/DR/SQLA_Lin_DR_BI4CMS_Enc.enc
source $PMDB_HOME/../BOE4/sap_bobj/setup/;dbfhide $PMDB_HOME/DR/Audit.txt $PMDB_HOME/DR/SQLA_Lin_DR_BI4Audit_Enc.enc