GW Failed to connect to HornetQ on DPS "Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers."

  • KM03812337
  • 31-May-2021
  • 10-Jun-2021


Distributed Environment: Data collector could not send sample to APM, we found the sameple below in WDE. Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.


APM 9.51 Distributed Environment:

Data collector could not send sample to APM, we found the sameple below in WDE.

Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.

In DPS, hornetQ started well, no error message in HornetQ boot log.


The issue commonly due to DPS is using 2 IP address.

APM taken backup IP address while configuration.

You can check it by:

+ opeing HornetQ console to see what IP it is connecting to

+ in GW server, try to telnet to DPS's primary IP address via port 5445 => you should not be able to connect


Steps to fix:

1. Stop APM services on both server

2. stop backup IP address on both servers

3. Perform cleanup procedure

4. start configuration on DPS then to GW

5. Start DPS then GW

6. Now you shold see that DC is able to send sample to APM