Applying Multiple Licenses at Once Arcmc

  • KM03812287
  • 28-May-2021
  • 28-May-2021


You can use the bulk license installer tool, bulk-license-installer, to install multiple AutoPass licenses on multiple ArcMCs. The bulk license tool applies only to ArcMC 2.5 or later versions.



You can use the bulk license installer tool, bulk-license-installer, to install multiple AutoPass licenses on

multiple ArcMCs. The bulk license tool applies only to ArcMC 2.5 or later versions.


Prerequisites: Before installing multiple Logger capacity licenses on ArcMC License Server, ensure

that a base ArcMC license is installed and that ArcMC is enabled as a License Server



To bulk install licenses:

1. Copy all license files, and the file, remotely to a directory of your choosing on the ArcMC License Server.


2. Unzip the tool ZIP file.


3. SSH to the ArcMC License Server and navigate to the directory where you unzipped the tool.


4. Ensure that the correct permissions and ownership are set on the tool.


a. For non-root installations of software ArcMC, it should be owned by the non-root user and should be executable only by that non-root user.

b. For appliances and root installations, it should be owned by root:root and executable by root only.


5. Invoke the tool bulk-license-installer: ./bulk-license-installer <Path to directory

where you put the licenses>


6. When prompted for user credentials, enter the credentials of a user with the System Admin right to update the appliance or software.


Note: If an external authentication mechanism such as RADIUS or LDAP is used, enter the user

password for those authentication servers. If the user password for the external authentication

mechanism is not accepted or not applicable (for example, because of client certificate

authentication), try the default admin user login name and local password.


7. When prompted, enter the port number of ArcMC Web UI.

The tool will automatically install all licenses in the directory you provided.