Uploading Files Larger Than 100 MB under Arcmc Repository

  • KM03812286
  • 28-May-2021
  • 28-May-2021


If there is any error during a file uploading to the Arcmc repository referring to the size. We can modify those parameters in order to change default configuration and accept that file.



If there is any error during a file uploading to the Arcmc repository referring to the size. We can modify those parameters in order to change default configuration and accept that file.


If <install_dir>/userdata/arcmc/logger.properties does not exist, then create one in a text editor. This file must be owned by a non-root user. For an ArcMC appliance, use the 'arcsight' user, and for software ArcMC, use the non-root account used to install the ArcMC.


Modify the <install_dir>/userdata/arcmc/logger.properties by adding:




After adding the previous line, owner and permissions need to be changed:


chown <non-root user>:<non-root user> logger.properties

chmod 660 logger.properties


Finally, restart the web process after making any edits to logger.properties.